To all the zygotes I’ve lost before
Dear womb-lice,
With your eggs and your sperms
You think you made it last night
Big Ute: ferti-gala
Am I now twice the woman I was?
Swotty sperm scalp
All that info
In one sharp-sculpted head
Sleek flagellum; my ovum would love
Lovely swimmer
Natty sperm-shorts
(Sperm-thigh on show in ‘80s hemline)
If I was game for the spawn – I’d be yours
And you – eggy friend
Fractal follicular curves
You’re the belle of the femme-gamete ball
Trouble is though
Not in business
non-HMO womb
And you’re pellucid (and intrusive)
Out of tube
Blastocyst! I see you
That rebrand won’t help
You sly-gotes: won’t take no for an answer
I’ll bleed you out
(it’s like birth really)
You’ve been such a good egg
Take care,
Little bryo,
When you fall
Featured Image Source: unsplash.com