To write for or feature in SAVAGE please email us: [email protected]
Alternatively, please fill out the contact form below.
These are descriptions of SAVAGE’s three online sections and how to get involved:
- OUR JOURNAL comments on our contemporary culture. Here we aim for a mixture of topicality and academia, writing interesting and informative mini essays on anything really, from a pub-crawl with Marx to Islamic Cartoon Superwomen.
- OUR SHOWCASE has four sections: READ, LISTEN, WATCH, LOOK. This is a platform for students to present art work, creative writing, film making, music and photography.
- OUR LONDON has five sections: THEATRE, FILM, MUSIC, ART and LITERATURE. Here SAVAGE reviews our city; we head to all the latest productions and events to let you know what’s worth a visit.
Like us on FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM / TWITTER to get in touch and keep up to date!