ISABELLE OSBORNE gives an overview of FemThinkDo’s event Imperial Feminisms: Women in the British Empire. Set up by UCL graduates Chloe Tye and Lizzie Merrill,..
SolidariTee is a student-led charity which aims to raise awareness and support for the refugee crisis, by offering grants to NGOs who provide legal aid..
MAYA BOWLES explores the phenomenon of coronavirus conspiracies. Conspiracy theories have always resided on the fringes of society and the deepest, darkest corners of..
ANNA DANG contemplates the harmful effects of mainstream heterosexual porn, and her experiences with the yaoi genre. According to Wikipedia, yaoi is ‘a genre..
Everyone’s Invited is a social movement committed to tackling rape culture through conversation, education and support. What began as a mere Instagram story soon blossomed..
ROSE GABBERTAS contemplates how the Covid-19 lockdown has affected the UK’s problematic relationship with food and food waste. Scrolling past yet another banana bread photo..
RONI MEVORACH contemplates her Jewish identity and her experiences of anti-Semitism in response to Wiley’s recent tweets. On 24th July, 41-year-old grime artist Wiley shared..
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