Advaya Initiative & SAVAGE Journal: Is Ecology Relevant? 

Join us at UCL to discuss the hands-on, practical implications and relevance of an ecological approach to the crises we face. Featuring: 

Satish Kumar (peace activist, author and co-founder, Schumacher College)
Craig Bennett (CEO, Friends of the Earth)
Molly Scott Cato (MEP, Green Party)

With reality seemingly under attack – from the despicable corruption that led to the Grenfell fire to ‘President’ Trump’s farcical tweets –, Craig Bennett (Friends of the Earth), Satish Kumar (Resurgence) and Molly Scott Cato (The Green Party) will explore the place and relevance of ecology within policy-making, arguing that now, more than ever, we need to turn towards ecological thought to deal with these systemic failures.

Rather than side-lining the environment because of immediate political crises, an ecological approach seeks out the root causes of these issues, instead of their ever-multiplying offshoots. Most of us see the environment as a pressing issue – but how can we push this commitment into our daily lives?

Read more on the Facebook event, here